Simple Cluster Stitch Crochet Blanket

This cluster stitch crochet blanket is my favorite project I’ve done yet!! I’m in love with how the colors look together and the softness of the yarn. This blanket was created as a wedding gift for a friend of my husband’s. I wanted something simple yet sophisticated to give as a gift. It took 4 different designs to get it just right.


I’ve never used a cluster stitch before but it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. The blanket worked up very quickly using the cluster stitch for the rows in gray yarn. The white rows are done using a single crochet. And the border rounds out the blanket with a row of white using single crochet, then a row of gray with double crochet, and then one more row of white with single crochet.

Yarn Info

For this project, I used Red Heart With Love yarn. This is the first time I used With Love. The yarn is super soft and really easy to crochet with. I’m definitely going to be using it for future projects.

You can see a free copy of the Simple Cluster Stitch Crochet Blanket pattern below or if you’d like a formatted PDF printable with step by step instructions of the pattern you can get it from my Etsy Shop here.

Pattern Instructions




Size: US J/10 (6 mm) crochet hook

Red Heart® With Love® 

Color A: 4 skeins 1303 Aran – 7oz / 198g; 370 yds/ 338m

Color B: 2 skeins 1401 Pewter –  7oz / 198g; 370 yds/ 338m

Notions: Yarn Needle


Approx = Approximately

Ch = Chain(s)

Dc= Double crochet

Dc3tog = Double Crochet 3 Together

Rep = Repeat

Rnd(s) = Round

Sc = Single Crochet

Sk = Skip

Sl st = Slip Stitch

Sp = Space

St(s) = Stitch(es)

Yo = Yarn Over


Approx Width: 42.5” x 56.5” (107.95cm x  143.51cm)



  • Pattern is written using American terms.
  • The turning chains for the single crochet rows (color A) do not count as first st.

Special Stitches:

Dc3tog: YO and insert hook into next st.  YO and pull up a loop.  YO and pull through 2 loops.  (There are 2 loops on hook).  YO and insert hook into same stitch.  YO and pull up a loop.  YO and pull through 2 loops.  (There are 3 loops on hook).  YO and insert hook into same stitch.  YO and pull up a loop.  YO and pull through 2 loops.  (There are now 4 loops on hook).  YO and pull through all 4 loops on hook.  1 cluster stitch made.

FOUNDATION ROW: With Color A ch 155.  

ROW 1: 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across, turn.  (154)

ROW 2 – 3 : Ch 1 (does NOT count as st), sc in first st and each st across, turn. (154)  

ROW 4: Ch 1 (does NOT count as st), sc in first st and each st across.  Change to B in last st, turn. (154)   

ROW 5: Ch 3, sk first st, *dc3tog in next st, ch 1, skip next st; rep from * to end of row.  Dc in last st and change to A in last st, turn. (154)

ROW 6 – 9:  Ch 1 (does NOT count as st),  sc in first st and each st across, turn. (154)   

ROW 10:  Ch 1 (does NOT count as st),  sc in first st and each st across. Change to B in last st, turn. (154) 

Row 11 – 112: Rep rows 5 through 10.  

Row 113: Ch 3, sk first st, *dc3tog in next st, ch 1, skip next st; rep from * to end of row.  Dc in last st and change to A in last st, turn. (154)

Row 114 -116: Ch 1 (does NOT count as st),  sc in 1st st and each st across, turn. (154)

Row 117: Ch 1 (does NOT count as st), sc in first st and each st across. Do not finish off, color A will be used in the border. (154)


ROUND 1: With A, sc around blanket doing 3 sc in each corner.  Sl st into 1st sc with A  to complete rnd and change to B.

ROUND 2:  Ch 3 (counts as 1st dc), dc in each st around blanket.  Sl st into 1st dc to complete rnd and change to A.. 

ROUND 3: Ch 1 (counts as 1st sc), sc in each st around blanket.  Sl st into 1st sc with A  to complete rnd.  Finish off blanket. 


Weave in any remaining ends.  Block blanket to keep shape.

Permissions + copyright:

Please do not publish or share this pattern as your own. You may make items to sell with this pattern. In exchange, please link back this post. Do NOT use my photos as your own sales photos.

I would love to get your feedback! Reach out with any questions or comments or sends me pictures of your work!! I’d love to see them.

Have an amazing day!


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