If you are a mom or dad trying to fit this in around your life or you’re limited on time but want to crochet or are just building your crochet skills then this blog is the place for you!

Since this is my first blog post, I just wanted to give a little introduction!

Here’s the basics! My name is Heather.  I’m married with 2 kids and a dachshund.  I work full-time and in my free time, I love to go bass fishing and do crafts.  My husband and I compete in bass tournaments during the summer months (and have done pretty well).  My favorite craft is crocheting.  My grandma taught me the basics when I was 7 years old and I’ve been doing it since then.  Up until now, I’ve mostly done other people’s patterns.  

Now for more detail…

I’ve been on a personal growth journey where people always talk about finding your purpose and passion.  For the first couple years, I struggled to figure out what that purpose was.  UNTIL a couple months ago, when lightning struck. One day out of the blue, I decided I wanted to create a crochet blog.  The thought made me so excited and felt so right that I knew I had found my purpose in life!  And this blog was born. 

This is my first blog.  And it’s my first time actually writing crochet patterns.  In the past year, I’ve been creating a lot of animal blankets for shelters in my area. Before life with kids, I sold my crochet items at craft shows. I found with kiddos it was harder to fit in the time needed to do craft shows. 

So you ask why a blog?!  Because I want to share the fun and exciting items I’m creating. I want to show you how I’m fitting this into the nooks and crannies of life and show you can still enjoy this beautiful hobby even if you only have 10 minutes a day!  I want to help you build your crochet abilities with new stitches and techniques.  And as I’ve been doing research, I’ve seen some amazing benefits of crocheting and want to share those with you!

 I also realized VERY quickly that there are tips and tricks out there to help with projects and I want to share those with you!

I also want to give you easy to read patterns that don’t leave you scratching your head asking what the heck do I need to do next.  And I’m focusing more on quick crochet projects that don’t take 4 months to finish.  I know I don’t have the patience to work on a project for that long without losing interest. 

I will be sharing projects that include blankets (my favorite) as well as scarfs, hats, shawls and maybe even a sweater.  I will show you how I fit this in around working full-time and having a family to care for .  But wanting to do something that brings me so much joy and happiness.  I will be talking about the learnings with each pattern I create.  Like having to restart a blanket 6 different times because it didn’t measure or look right or I added an extra stitch or two.  

There’s inspiration everywhere and I want to share that so you understand where it comes from and may even inspire you to create your own patterns!  With this all being new to me, I plan on posting a new project every 3 to 4 weeks.  

With this being my first go-round with both a blog and creating patterns, I welcome and appreciate any feedback you have.  That will help me grow and understand what you need from me!  You can leave comments or send me an email and I’ll get back to you.  

Also you can follow me on social media, sign up for my newsletter, and share my site with other amazing people who love this hobby too!

My goal with this blog is to take you on a journey with me and we grow our crochet skills together.  I want to show you that even if you only have 10 minutes a day to crochet you can still do it and it’s so worth the benefits!  And of course I want to share and would love to hear your tips and tricks to make crocheting even more fun and exciting.

Let the journey begin!!